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While doing a google search about the Barcelona Process, I ran across an exchange at a popular pre-trib discussion board. A poster was spelling out all the reasons the agreement that the EU's Javier Solana negotiated back in 1995 could be the covenant with the many referred to in Daniel 9:27. From what I saw, the poster was being ignored. Later, I skimmed through my earlier commentaries. Suddenly, it dawned on me. My commentaries span a three year period. In other words, for three years, I've been trying to tell people about the amazing fulfillments of prophecy occurring in Europe and the Middle East. And, for three years, I've been basically ignored by the prophecy establishment. Nevertheless, as that lone poster goes to show, the message is in the hand's of God's people. I was reminded of Jesus' ministry. He too was rejected by the religious establishment of His day for three years. Nevertheless, he wasn't rejected by the common people. And, He accomplished His mission. After He returned to heaven, the message of eternal life through faith in His name was unstoppable. No, I don't compare myself in anyway to our Lord and Savior. It just strikes me interesting that, in the same way -- after three years of being ignored by our leaders -- the events that I've been reporting are finally getting out to God's people. That brings us to the recent news. As you know, the Constitution of Rome may be dead. Ignoring the pleas of their own political establishments, the French and Dutch people said no. Will it rise again? Perhaps. But, the way the geopolitical landscape is shaping up to the prophetic picture, I don't think there's time. You see, the French and Dutch people aren't the only ones who are ignoring pleas. It appears the EU establishment is ignoring the pleas of the voters and are going ahead with the most important parts of the constitution anyway. The parts that have to do with the EU's foreign and security policy may be going forward. In other words, the parts that have to do with the continuing rise of Javier Solana. In the meantime, the EU heads are already planning their November celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Barcelona Process. That's because, this treaty has become the centerpiece to the EU's relations with the surrounding nations -- including Israel. Here's my point: I highly suspect this agreement -- originally between the 15 EU member states and 12 Mediterranean states -- is the covenant with many that is foretold in Daniel 9:27. Many believe the passage in Daniel actually says the coming Antichrist will "confirm," or, "make strong," an agreement with many that already exists. This confirming action will be over a seven-year period. Friends, that's exactly what's coming to pass. In this fascinating article Read it here, the EU's Javier Solana lays it all out for us. It's clear that Solana plans to confirm, or make strong, his existing Barcelona Process. Solana says: We should also renew our efforts to draw up a shared security architecture for the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. The point of such an overarching agreement would be to give a clearer political direction to existing collaboration - and to open up new avenues for future co-operation ... We need to speed up significantly our efforts to create open, empowered, knowledge-based societies to keep pace with the rapid changes we are witnessing across the globe ... The instruments to achieve these goals already exist within the Barcelona Process. It is up to us now to prime these tools and apply them with a sense of vision and effectiveness. Where's the seven years? I believe it's the EU's next seven-year budget term that begins on January 1, 2007. That's because, the EU heads must coordinate their political agenda with their available money. If their agenda is to strengthen the Barcelona Process, it must be coordinated with the funds coming from their next seven-year budget period. This has been an amazing journey. It began when I stumbled on the 10-nation military alliance known as the Western European Union (WEU). From their it was the arrival of the EU's first High Representative. Then it was the discovery of the WEU's Assembly Recommendation 666. Now, after reporting these events for a period of three years, we find an existing covenant with many about to be confirmed for a period of seven years. Question: Why are these profound, geopolitical events not being reported by our leaders? Answer: The prophecy establishment is almost entirely pre-trib. What if they report these events and, on January 1, 2007, we're all still here? What will they say? 06-05-2005