What Herb Thinks
What If We See The Deal?

If you are a regular on FulfilledProphecy.Com, you know I try to avoid the issues that divided us as much as possible. One of the issues I've avoided so far is when the rapture of the church will occur. And if you've read my book, Recommendation 666, you will again notice I avoided the issue of the timing of the rapture. However, in light of all the events I've reported here on FulfilledProphecy, it's becoming harder for me to avoid this issue.

Until recently, I've leaned toward the pre-tribulation rapture view. According to this view, we true believers in Jesus will all be suddenly removed from earth before the beginning of the final seven-year period before Christ returns to establish His promised kingdom. This final period is commonly referred to as the seven-year tribulation. And it begins with the signing of a seven-year agreement between Israel and the coming Roman Prince (Daniel 9:27).

But let's face it, we're all probably thinking the same thing right now. In light of all the events reported here on FulfilledProphecy, what if we also see the signing of the foretold seven-year agreement? What if we see the deal? Here's what I think:

I'm beginning to suspect the Geneva Accords may become the basis for the the seven-year agreement between Israel and the Roman Prince. My reason is the Accords appear to make the EU the chief peace broker in place of America. And, they bring the temple mount under international control. This type of agreement could easily pave the way for the rebuilding of the Jewish temple and the appearing of the Antichrist in the rebuilt temple 3 1/2 years later.

Back to our question: What if we see the seven-year agreement? Of all the elements that make up Bible prophecy, for me the timing of the rapture has been the most vague of them all. The fact is, the timing of the rapture has been hard to pin down. If that wasn't the case, there wouldn't have to be schools established for the specific purpose of reinforcing the pre-tribulation view. All one would have to do is point to the passages in Scripture that support the view. Evidently, unlike many of the other elements of prophecy, this can't be done.

Now don't get me wrong. I don't think it's doctrinally unsound to believe and teach the pre-tribulation rapture view. However, I do think it's doctrinally unsound to teach the pre-tribulation view with as much certainty as some are doing today. In my opinion, not only is there not enough clear Scripture to honestly support their certainty, if it turns out they're wrong it could be a great stumbling block to many of God's people. Here's why:

For one thing, those who uncritically hold this view won't be watching for signs they think they won't be around to see and the Day of the Lord may well come upon them like a thief. And for another, when and if they discover they've been mislead, many of God's people won't know what to believe in anymore.

Now back to our question: What if we see the deal? Well, I for one won't deny the facts on the ground. If historic events occur that match the clearer elements of Bible prophecy, I'm not discarding these solid realities because of a vague doctrine hard to defend. 

I'll adjust my views.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.