What Herb thinks
When All Else Fails

Most of us don't really appreciate how much our faith depends on the natural things of this world for strength. And unfortunately, it's not until God allows these things to be taken away that our eyes open to this uncomfortable truth about ourselves. I fear that's what may be happening to God's once proud people in America. 

According to his critics, President George Bush has made one foreign policy mistake after another. Although this may very well be true, I can't escape the feeling there may be something more going on. America's leaders have made many similar mistakes before. But, on the most vital issues, America has always managed to pull it off. This time, in the all important, energy rich Middle East, it doesn't appear to be happening. It just keeps getting worse for America. Why?

Yesterday I reported the four power blocs forming from Israel's south, north, east and west What Herb thinks 02-17-07. The interesting thing is, Bible scholars have long told us that, just prior to the battle of Armageddon, we were to expect these groupings of nations to appear. The late John Walvoord even foresaw that it would be their thirst for energy that would gather these alliances together and ultimately bring them into the land of Israel. 

Yet often these scholars would speculate about America. They would wonder what would happen to this great power that once defended Israel and protected its vital interests in the world. Many of these same scholars believed that the then powerful Soviet Union would collapse as a result of the failed northern invasion foretold by Ezekiel. Of course, these scholars were wrong. The Soviet bloc collapsed on its own. Could that soon happen to America? 

As you may know, I try not to speculate. I try to report the prophecy related news as it happens and not steer it in the direction that I think it should happen. In my opinion, what we're seeing today appears to match perfectly what the Bible foretells. And, it's the Bible we should pay attention too.

When all else fails.

Copyright 2007 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.