What Herb thinks
When You're Chasing Rabbits

Trying to make sense of all that is going on in our world right now is like chasing rabbits. Just when you think you have one in your grasp, it suddenly takes off in another direction. And, to make matters worse, you've got hundreds of rabbits to catch.

The media is confused and desperate. Every so-called expert you can imagine is being called upon to appear and give their opinion about what's going on.

And, after listening to all these experts, there appears to be only one thing they all agree on: This Iraqi war has torn our world apart. And, people are now choosing sides.

We Bible believers handle confusing times in our world a little different than others. When we're chasing rabbits, we default to the Bible -- the prophecies. And, when we do, we once again begin making sense of things. We know which rabbit to watch. 

For example, yesterday the UN Security Council met in a closed-door session. One issue under discussion was why chief weapons inspector, Hans Bliz, apparently hid important information about Iraq's continuing failure to disarm in his last oral report to the Security Council.

The White House went so far as to accuse Blix of intentionally downplaying his inspections teams' discovery of an unmanned drone designed to deliver chemical and biological agents (Read about it here).

What does this have to do with Bible prophecy? Well, just last month I wrote a commentary about "Operation Mirage." On February 14, US and British officials where confident another report to be delivered that day by Blix would set the stage for a final resolution by the UN authorizing military force against Iraq.

But, once again not only did Blix fail to provide new evidence that Saddam Hussien was still refusing to disarm Iraq, Blix actually went so far as to shoot down some of the most important evidence that had previously been provided to the Security Council by US Secretary of State Colin Powell (Herb photo).

Then France dealt the final blow to US and British hopes for a resolution. And, when the smoke had settled, it became apparent to many that it had been a coordinated attack. France, Germany and Bliz had been seen as working together in an attempt to stop an Iraqi war.

Now Blix has done it again. This time he has hidden in his report to the Security Council important evidence that would have helped Powell get a second resolution setting a deadline for Iraq to disarm.

Here's why this is interesting to me: On January 16, Blix had talks with European officials -- including the European Union's foreign policy chief  Javier Solana. On February 5, Powell delivered his powerful evidence of Iraqi obstruction to the Security Council. Three days later, on February 8, France, Germany and Belgium surprised the world by blocking NATO from providing Turkey protection. And, on February 14, once again France and Germany surprised the world with a coordinated attack in the Security Council. But this brilliantly executed operation even included chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix.

As I said at the beginning, they called it "Operation Mirage." And, I can't help but wonder if it was one of Solana's operations. If so, what we're seeing in the Security Council today could actually be a continuation of Solana's Operation Mirage.

Why would I think this? Because, the prophecies tell us in the last days the Roman Empire will be revived under a 10-nation alliance. And, beginning with the adoption of the Western European Union's Assembly Recommendation 666, Solana, France and other elements in the EU have begun competing with the US for world dominance.

And, the WEU just happens to be a 10-nation alliance.

So, it's the rabbit I'll watch.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.