What Herb thinks
Where It Hurts

If God's children in America still can't see it, there's something wrong. In the O.T. we learn that the Children of Israel many times failed to appreciate the times that they were in and they paid a heavy price. And, the Apostle Paul reminds us Gentile believers in the God of Israel that what happened to Israel could -- if we're not careful -- happen to us too. Paul said:

But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches; but if you are arrogant, remember that it is not you who supports the root, but the root supports you. You will say then, "Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in." Quite right, they were broken off for their unbelief, but you stand by your faith. Do not be conceited, but fear; for if God did not spare the natural branches, He will not spare you, either (Romans 11:17-21 New American Standard Bible).

I think our problem is, so far, when God's discipline came, we've always managed to get by. Unfortunately, those days may soon be over. Friends, if God can't get our attention using gentle methods anymore, He may do it where it hurts. And, one thing we know for sure: If we truly are His children, God will get our attention (Revelation 3:19).

Today we learn that U.S. Ambassador to the UN John Bolton is stepping aside Read about it here. No matter our domestic politics, all children of the God of the Bible should recognize that Bolton's departure will be celebrated most loudly by America's and Israel's enemies Read about it here  I  And here. And, because of the end-time prophecies, they should realize what's waiting.

If after reading all the documents that I've posted regarding the UN's new Alliance of Civilisations and the conclusions of the recent Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference you still can't see what may be soon coming, please read the following:

Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner:
ENP bringing real benefits to EU-Israel relations

4 December 2006

Strengthening the European Neighbourhood Policy 
Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner:
European Neighbourhood Policy bringing real benefits to EU-Israel relations

The European Commission today tabled proposals on new ways to strengthen the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP ). The first 18 months of implementation of the ENP have shown good results. The new position paper aims to increase the impact of the policy, by proposing ways to help partners willing to reform to do so faster and better, and provide incentives to convince those who are still hesitant. The new proposals are accompanied by progress reports on Israel, Jordan, Moldova, Morocco, Tunisia, Ukraine and West Bank and Gaza Strip which started to implement their ENP Action Plans in 2005. The Communication will feed into work during the incoming German Presidency in the first half of 2007.

European Commissioner for External Relations and Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner said: “I believe that our Neighbourhood Policy is bringing real benefits to Israel and today we are offering to the country even more attractive incentives. They will bring the Policy into sharper focus, concentrating on key areas of mutual interest like people to people contacts, deepening economic and trade relations and stronger co operation on energy and transport. The Neighbourhood Policy has made a positive start, but the EU can do much more. We must rise to the challenge of promoting peace, stability and economic prosperity of our neighbours.”

Today's progress report on Israel takes stock of achievements since the Action Plan was formally adopted in April 2005. Implementing the Action Plan has better defined the path and framework of EU-Israel relations while deepening and strengthening co-operation in a wide spectrum of areas. EU-Israel cooperation has developed in the areas of political dialogue, anti-terrorism, promotion of trade and investment, justice and security, science and technology including space cooperation, as well as higher education. Furthermore technical workshops have been organised on a large number of specific subjects relating, for example, to preventing terrorist financing, promoting judicial and police cooperation, protecting the environment, and combating racism/xenophobia/anti-semitism.

From 2007-13 the budget foreseen for the countries of the ENP is €12 billion, 32% more in real terms than in the last budget period. To maximise the impact and leverage of this EU funding the Commission will propose the creation of: 
A Neighbourhood Investment Fund, to which Member States will also be invited to contribute, which would be used to leverage additional lending from the European Investment Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other development banks. The contribution from the Community Budget would be €700 million. It is estimated that this fund could encourage lending of several times the amount of grant funding. If Member States were to match the EC contribution, the Fund could generate a considerable amount of concessional lending. 
• €300 million will also be set aside for a Governance Facility, to provide additional support on top of normal country allocations to acknowledge and support the work of partner countries who have made most progress in implementing their Action Plans. 

Today's Communication also proposes: 
• A clear perspective for all ENP partners, eastern as well as southern, of deep economic and trade integration with the EU, going beyond free trade in goods and services to address non-tariff barriers and achieving comprehensive regulatory convergence.
• Substantially improved visa procedures for certain types of visitors.
• Ad hoc or regular ministerial and expert level meetings with ENP partners on subjects like energy, transport, the environment and public health. This multilateral approach can usefully complement the bilateral work on which the ENP is based.
• Strengthened political co operation, more systematic association of ENP partners with EU initiatives (foreign policy declarations, positions in international fora as well as participation in key programmes and EU agencies).
• A more active role for the EU in conflict-settlement efforts in the region.
• A strengthened regional approach in the east based on existing Black Sea co operation.

State of play of ENP Action Plans
ENP partner countries Entry into force of contractual relations with EC ENP Country Report ENP Action Plan Adoption by EU Adoption by partner country
Algeria AA – Sept 2005 -- -- -- --
Armenia PCA – 1999 March 2005 Agreed autumn 2006 13.11.2006 14.11.2006
Azerbaijan PCA – 1999 March 2005 Agreed autumn 2006 13.11.2006 14.11.2006
Belarus -- -- -- -- --
Egypt AA – Jun 2004 March 2005 Largely agreed autumn 2006 -- --
Georgia PCA – 1999 March 2005 Agreed autumn 2006 13.11.2006 14.11.2006
Israel AA - Jun 2000 May 2004 Agreed end 2004 21.02.2005 11.04.2005
Jordan AA - May 2002 May 2004 Agreed end 2004 21.02.2005 11.01.2005
Lebanon AA - April 2006 March 2005 Agreed autumn 2006 17.10.2006 Pending
Libya -- -- -- -- --
Moldova PCA - Jul 1998 May 2004 Agreed end 2004 21.02.2005 22.02.2005
Morocco AA - Mar 2000 May 2004 Agreed end 2004 21.02.2005 27.07.2005
Palestinian Authority Interim AA - Jul 1997 May 2004 Agreed end 2004 21.02.2005 04.05.2005
Syria -- -- -- -- --
Tunisia AA – Mar 1998 May 2004 Agreed end 2004 21.02.2005 04.07.2005
Ukraine PCA – Mar 1998 May 2004 Agreed end 2004 21.02.2005 21.02.2005

The full Communication and the country progress reports can be found at

What's being described above is exactly what we students of Bible prophecy have been expecting -- a covenant with many that is to be strengthened, or confirmed, for a period of seven years (Daniel 9: 27) And according to other prophecies, in the middle of that seven-year period the coming Antichrist and his 10 kings will begin their war against God's saints (Daniel 12: 4-7, Matthew 24: 9-22, Revelation 13: 5-7, Revelation 17: 12-16). Taken by itself, the recent news is fascinating enough. But, when added to all the other events that we've been reporting here at FP, it's simply astounding. And, if after witnessing all these events we children of God still can't see it, it soon won't matter. If these events are in fact the fulfillment of the end-time prophecies, we're all going to feel it.

And, this time where it hurts.

Copyright 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.