Have you ever seen a poser? When I rode dirt bikes, these were the guys who had the newest bikes, the latest riding gear, and stood beside their bikes all day while the rest of us got all torn up and dirty. And, if someone from the local paper showed up, guess who's picture they would take? You got it -- that smiling poser. That's how I feel about the recent news reporting. While our major media people are taking picture after picture of the posers, the man actually getting things done in the Middle East is almost completely ignored. In fact, if it wasn't for China View, we probably wouldn't know he was at Arafat's old compound getting the Palestinian elections going Read about it here I And here. I'll take this thought a little farther. I don't even think British PM Tony Blair really came to Washington to talk president George Bush into pushing forward the Middle East peace process. I suspect Blair came to Washington to give Bush a little cover for his political base. I think the deal may have already been reached. We're simply seeing its implementation. Yes, I suspect that Bush and Blair are just posers. Javier Solana is the one getting dirty. 11-13-04