What Herb thinks
Who Is Giacomo Filibeck?

In my e-mail this morning I found a [salt&pepper] commentary from the EUobserver that was sent by my friend Constance Cumbey (Read about it here). In her e-mail remarks section Constance asked, "Who is Giacomo Filibeck?" 

Although I knew little about Filibeck, as I read his commentary and thought about my friend's question, I realized I had an answer for her -- Filibeck is the hard core's anti-American Europe that Tony Blair is trying so hard to warn us about. Let me explain: 

As far as world attention was concerned, it began last year when Chancellor Schroeder angered Washington by playing the anti-American card to win his close election in Germany. Schroeder promised the German people, no matter what, Germany wouldn't support an America war in Iraq.

A short time later France began making the same move. First came the announcement that the old Franco-German alliance had been reborn. Then came France and Germany's startling, coordinated betrayal of America's vital interests in the United Nations Security Council.

People were finally catching on. Something was going on in the European Union --- something not good for America.

Now here's where it gets real interesting for students of Bible prophecy. This new anti-American shift in the EU's foreign policy began on June 5, 2000, when the 10-nation Western European Union adopted its Assembly Recommendation 666.

Furthermore, now three of these 10 nations -- Britain, Spain and Portugal -- have broken away from the anti-American pack and are instead supporting American's vital interests in Iraq.

The reason this split in the EU's 10-nation military alliance may be significant is because, as you may recall, the Antichrist is to pull three kings (horns) out by the roots on his rise to power among a 10-nation (kings) alliance in Europe.

Here's my point: World leaders are finally catching on to what I wrote my book about (Learn more). British Prime Minister Tony Blair has actually come out and said that, after this Iraqi war is over, the anti-Americanizm movement in the EU has to be brought out in the open and dealt with (Read about it here).

However, I don't think it will be so easy for Blair. You see, someone by the name of Giacomo Filibeck has written a commentary supporting the anti-American EU nations who are now planing to have their own defense summit in April. At this summit these EU powers intend to play their anti-American cards to the full. They want to create their own so-called "hard core" European defense system -- with, or without, Tony Blair or American approval. 

So, who is Giacomo Filibeck? According the the EUoberserver, Filibeck is president of the European Youth Convention and of the European Youth Forum. But, in my opinion, he's more -- much more. Filibeck represents the new, young Europeans who don't remember WWII. He represents the modern, idealistic youth who have never experienced the tyranny of Europe's past Christ-rejecting leaders.

In other words, Filibeck is the coming Antichrist's hard core. 


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.