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"Who is Herb and what are his qualifications?" That's the email I received. I still don't know who it came from and why it was sent. It is, however, a legitimate question. You know? Sometimes, we Christians can become like creatures out of their natural element. We may not know exactly what's wrong, but we know that we're not where we should be. That's the way I feel sometimes. That's why it's good to think back to where we're from -- to when it all started. In fact, this practice of reflection is something the Apostle Paul advises. Paul said: For consider your calling, brethren, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble; but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong, and the base things of the world and the despised God has chosen, the things that are not, so that He may nullify the things that are, so that no man may boast before God (2 Corinthians 1:26-29 New American Standard Bible). If ever there was someone of whom that statement is true -- about not being wise, mighty or noble, it's me. In fact, when I witnessed the events occur in Europe in the year 2000 -- the events that appeared to be fulfillments of Bible prophecy, I set out to find someone qualified to report them. Why? Because, I knew no one would listen to me. To get this information out to God's people, it would take someone with credentials. My efforts to find someone qualified to report the news continued until I was asked a question. I was asked why I needed the help of the individual who I was seeking. When I said I didn't have the qualifications, the person said something I'll always remember. He said, "Recommendation 666 is your qualifications." As I thought about it, I realized the person may be right. After all, God revealed the information to me. That simple fact qualified me. So, I wrote a book and I started FulflilledProphecy.Com. Why am I going over all this? Like I said, sometimes I feel out of my element. When this happens, I like to remind myself about my calling. The way I see it, God didn't call me to teach and preach. This is the job of God's gifted pastors and teachers. What FuflilledProphecy needs to be doing is support the churches, not tear them down. If He had called me to teach and preach, He would have qualified me. Instead, all He qualified me to do is report the news, and how it may relate to Bible prophecy. That doesn't mean, however, that I'm not allowed my opinions. And, there's nothing wrong with my sharing them either. All I'm saying is, when I get caught up doing the job that belongs to God's pastors and teachers, I always end up feeling the same -- like I'm out of my element, going where I wasn't called. The news is my element. Today, as far as Bible prophecy is concerned, we seem to have a step forward and a step backward. The UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan called for a radical restructuring of the UN Read about it here. This is definitely a step forward. But, we also find the Polish President Lech Kaczynski saying no to the French idea that the EU's Javier Solana should get his new, Foreign Minister post early Read about it here. This appears to be a step backward. However, as that old saying goes, "A watched pot doesn't boil." And, sometimes, that's the way it is with news related to prophecy. We may think the final events of prophecy are taking a long time. But, by past experience, we know soon they're going to happen. One reason I'm late reporting today is because we just got out another two large boxes of free CDs and DVDs. What excites me is, one box is completely for Europe and other foreign nations. As I said before, it's the DVDs that take so much of our time and financial resources. Today's postage was $89.20. And, today, we finally broke down and ordered a professional quality DVD duplicator. To keep going, Linda and I still need your support. Stay tuned! 03-08-06