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The way we answer that question may reveal something about us. The question is, who killed Christ? If we say the Jews killed Jesus, it may reveal a sinful attitude toward the Jewish people. If we say the Romans killed Jesus, it may reveal an ignorance of the Gospels. If we say we killed Jesus, it may reveal a lack of spiritual wisdom. So, who killed Jesus? False religion killed Jesus. And, it will be false religion that persecutes us in the end-times (Revelation 17: 1-6). You see, during the Spanish inquisition religion was popular -- like it is today. The problem was, the popular view was held by the Roman Catholic Church. And the problem with the Roman Catholic Church at the time was, it was filled with unconverted believers -- people who thought they were saved, but they weren't. And, Jesus warns us this is the way it will be with the end-times Christian church. Jesus said: Many will say to Me on that day, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?" And then I will declare to them, "I never knew you; Depart from me, you who practice lawlessness" (Mathew 7: 22-23 New American Standard Bible). If you doubt what I'm saying about false religion, spend a little time on FulfilledProphecy's discussion board. Unlike other popular discussion boards, ours allows different opinions on the end-times. And, this has led to many stonings of Stephen. You see, Stephen was stoned because he was wining the argument (Acts 7). And when the argument no longer can be won with reasoning, hatred can take over in the heart of false religion. And, this leads to the persecution of the brethren. Now the rumor mill is Mel Gibson may make a movie on Tim Lahaye's new book on the end-times. You know what, this really scares me. Why? Because, what if Lahaye is wrong about the timing of the rapture? Think about it. 04-08-04