What Herb thinks
A Whole Lot Of Sleeping

What's the cause of their blindness? I understand why nonbelievers can't see it. But, why can't believers see it?  Only one thing to think: There's a whole lot of sleeping going on.

Like I said, I can understand why nonbelievers can't see it. After all, they don't have God's Word in their minds and in their hearts. They're not born of the Spirit and the god of this world not only blinds their eyes, he holds them captive to do his will.

The EU's High Representative Javier Solana  -- in an office that didn't even exist on paper before 1997's Amsterdam Treaty -- has been busy building his empire and nobody is seeing it. In the above picture Solana is assuring nervous NATO leaders he isn't up to anything by creating his own EU/NATO military command in the Council Read about it here

Since taking office in October 1999, Solana has been forging strategic alliance after strategic alliance. After restructring NATO for his purposes, Solana began building his empire within the EU bureaucracy. From their Solana swiftly rose to a position within the EU to expand his empire without. And, that's what we're now seeing.

Last June, Solana delivered his new security doctrine to the EU heads. It was titled A Secure Europe in a Better World. And as I've been reporting, everybody fell in love with it. France loved it because it would create a bi-polar world, Germany loved it because it would create a new international order, Britain and the other pro-America EU nations loved it because it stressed the importance of the Atlantic Alliance. And naturally America liked it for the same reason.

A few days later Solana and EU heads traveled to Washington and signed a treaty that was directly inspired by what later would become known as the Solana Doctrine. From America's perspective, it was an answer to their need for co-operation in their new war against terror.

This agreement with Washington grew out of an earlier offer Solana had made to Washington immediately after September 11. Solana suggested America and the EU should join forces in the war against terror. From here grew the Solana Doctrine in Europe and the strategic alliance that followed with America. 

Soon following in the same year, Solana secured two more very important strategic alliances -- one with Russian and another with China. An important element to these alliances was to win help in creating his own satellite network to rival America's GPS targeting and navigational system. 

But, this is just a snapshot of Solana's diplomatic and political achievements. Since becoming head of NATO in 1995, Solana has risen to a place today where it is his plan that an American President has embraced to bring peace to the Middle East region. That's right, President Bush's "Greater Middle East" plan he announced in his State of the Union address is in reality Solana's "Wider Middle East" plan the EU heads approved last October.

In other words, this man who suddenly appeared among a 10-nation alliance back in 1999, this man who was given emergency powers with the 10 nation's Assembly Recommendation 666, is now setting the stage to be the one who will bring peace to the Middle East.

Yet most people aren't seeing it. And I understand why. Like I said before, the unbelieving world has been blinded by the god of this world.

But this brings up an important question: Why aren't God's people seeing it? Why am I almost the only person who is calling attention to these events? The only answer I can think of is the same as before, the god of this world has managed to also blind the eyes of God's people.

How did he do it? I believe the Bible tells us how. By putting them to sleep -- by assuring them they wouldn't be here to see these events anyway. So, why waste time watching.

Yet, Jesus told us something different. He said we were to stay alert. Why? So we wouldn't go to sleep and become like the rest of the unbelieving world. But we didn't listen.

There's a whole lot of sleeping going on.


Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.