It's human kind's oldest question. When tragedy strikes one among us and not another, we ask "Why?" Two recent 6.5 earthquakes once again bring up that question. Why when the same size earthquake strikes California only two die, and in Iran up to 40,000 may have died (Read about it here)? The first answer is California has stronger buildings. And for people who don't believe in God, the first answer is adequate. However, for those of us who believe in God there is a spiritual side to the question -- why did God allow this tragedy to happen? And why did so few die in America and so many in Iran? When you consider the contrast, it just doesn't seem fair. Like I said, this is an old question. Perhaps this explains why the Old Testament book of Job is the oldest book in the Bible -- Job asks that question. In other words, the writing of the Word of God began by analyzing this question. Although the book Job was written at a later date, it is believed Job himself lived in the early patriarchal times before Abraham. He was a righteous man who, for no apparent reason, suddenly suffered the loss of everything. Job lost all his wealth, all his children, and then -- on top of if all -- Job lost his health. This is where Job begins asking that question, "Why? What have I done wrong to deserve this?" And wouldn't you know it, Job had friends around who were quick with an answer. But in the end, the real answer wasn't what they thought. But the reason for my commentary isn't to explore the ancient question. For that I recommend a study of the book of Job. The reason for my commentary today is to cause us to look at ourselves -- we Christians who may think we have the answers. You see, like Job's friends, it's easy for us to conclude the reason America suffered only two lives lost in the recent earthquake and Iran suffered up to 40,000 is because America is a Christian nation and Iran isn't. In fact, in Iran not only are Christians hard to find, but they are persecuted. Besides, we might say, America supports Israel, and Iran is a leading supporter of terror against Israel. We may point to where the Bible says God is against nations who seek Israel's harm. This all being the case, it's easy for us to say God is judging Iran for her sin. Here's the problem I have with this way of thinking: What about me? What sins have I committed that also deserve God's judgment? Sure, as a Christian I can say I have forgiveness for my sin. But, that doesn't mean there aren't consequences to suffer. Here's my point: Although it's true God has spared America from much of what some Christ-rejecting nations have had to suffer, that doesn't mean we deserve it. We don't. Right now we Christians need to ask for God's mercy on Iran. And we need to pray for God's mercy, all the more, here in America. Let's keep in mind, Job was a righteous man. 12-27-03