Why It's Possible Above is the European Union's (EU) own explanation of it's next financial period. Notice the coming budget will begin on January 1, 2007 and last until December 31, 2013 -- seven years. In today's news we read about another so-called "strategic partnership" to begin in 2007. This time it's between the EU and Russia Read about it here. It's the date of this new agreement I want you to notice. My point is, the EU's financial period is more than just a budget -- it's the EU's geo-strategic, political program. As far as we students of Bible prophecy are concerned, the seven-year element should already have our attention. But, there's more: We're also seeing what we would expect who believe in a coming revived Roman Empire. And, we're seeing what we would expect if the stage were being set for the coming Roman prince (Daniel 9:27). Now, this is a pdf document from, of all places, neutral Sweden. Notice the document's title, Financial Perspectives 2007-2013 and EU as a global actor Read it here (pdf) . Below we see the part of the EU's budget that has to do with the Mediterranean region and God's little nation Israel. It's called the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). As I've been reporting, the ENPI was created to revived, or breathe new life, into an older agreement that wasn't working -- the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace (Euromed). Euromed is literally a "covenant with the many" -- as described in the prophecy. It was negotiated back in 1995 by the EU's current High Representative, Javier Solana. It was between the then 15 EU member states and 12 Mediterranean states. Today those numbers have changed. As it stands now, Euromed is an agreement between 25 EU states and 10 Mediterranean states -- 35 total. The ENPI is a seven-year financial and political instrument. It includes action plans in which the Mediterranean nations are to participate in order to reach the Euromed's ultimate goal -- the establishment of a region of free trade and stability by 2010. In other words, a revived Roman Empire. Israel was the first nation to sign its ENPI action plan. Speaking of 2010, did you hear what Israeli Prime Minister Olmert said yesterday to the U.S. Congress? What he said was, one way or another, Israel will have her final borders by 2010. Do you think there could be a connection? Perhaps you see why it's possible the 70th week of Daniel could be in view. The stage may be set perfectly for the foretold Roman prince. We have before a covenant with many waiting to be confirmed for a seven year period. And, a new leader in Israel promising peace and security. This brings up a good question about the EU. On January 1, who will be in charge? Stay tuned! 05-25-06