What Herb thinks
Why Does Venus Need Army?

This is Fulfilled Prophecy.Com from Mars. As we're been reporting, huge events with major prophetic significance have been occurring on Earth. As American and British forces are occupying Iraq -- the ancient land of Babylon -- the man from Venus has been quietly building his army.

Just yesterday Fulfilled Prophecy.Com reported that the man from Venus paid a visit to Mars. He came here to express the different attitudes people have on Venus about the use of military forces -- particularly in the case of Earth's recent Iraqi war. As you know, Mars was for the Iraqi war, Venus was against it. According to the man from Venus, people here on Mars are too quick to use military force to get their way. On the other hand, he said the people from his planet understood that diplomacy was always a better method of achieving political goals than war. 

This is how the man from Venus put it: " "I am from Venus, which according to its detractors, is faint-hearted, soft-headed and militarily and politically weak. You are from Mars, which I am told is powerful, virile, dynamic: a land of moral clarity and resolute action." (Read about it here).

Although the man from Venus came here to Mars representing himself as a man of peace, it is the view of FulfilledProphecy.Com that this may not be the case. The truth is, the man from Venus has been directing a foreign policy of expansion and militarization since he was made Venus' first High Representative of Common Foreign and Security Policy back in 1999.

This is not to say the man from Venus isn't right in his observations about the different attitudes on our two planets. His people on Venus are the way he describes -- less willing to use force and more willing to let diplomacy solve their problems. Never the less, the man from Venus has been behind the scenes trying to change their attitudes and create his army.

This bring up an interesting question: Why does peace loving Venus need an army? In fact, even people back on his home planet Venus are asking this question (Read about it here).

It is the opinion of Fulfilled Prophecy.Com the man from Venus may have a heart from Mars. Although he came as a man of peace, the more probable truth is he wants to make Venus the most powerful planet in the universe.

Why is this the opinion at Fulfilled Prophecy.Com? Because, huge events with major prophetic significance have been occurring on Earth. And, our spiritual reporter has been filing reports about rumors afloat that the heavenly court is about to sit and issue another decree.

Once again this has been Fulfilled Prophecy.Com reporting from Mars.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.