What Herb thinks
The Wisest Place

I can spend hours just answering emails. And, sometimes after responding to someone, I realize there may be more with the same concerns.

This morning I received an email from a person who was, among other things, concerned about the letters I had posted at the top of my site. 

Those letters were written by two people I respect very much -- Billy Graham's wife Ruth Graham, and Corrie Ten Boom. Both were very much involved in world missions. Ruth's parents were missionaries in China and Corrie Ten Boom spent time in a German prison camp for hiding Jews. Her story was made into the movie, The Hiding Place.

Both writers had seen much persecution. But, as I said in my response to this person's email, I think it's wrong to assume these two changed their positions on the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine because they saw Christians persecuted. They may have never believed in the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine in the first place.

For example, my great-great-grandfather was the spiritual leader of the largest Mennonite settlement in the Ukraine. In 1880, the Mennonites lost their promised privileges from the Russian government and were forced to migrate again to another country. Since he believed in Bible prophecy, and since where ever they moved to they would be there for many generations, he led his people to where they would find refuge from the foretold persecution of the Antichrist in Western Europe. My point is, although these Mennonite people used Baptist Sunday School books and materials, they had never heard of the pre-tribulation rapture. So, no matter what people tell you, the pre-tribulation doctrine, as it is known and taught today, is new. But, that doesn't make it wrong. It's just one of the things that weaken its argument.

I don't think the majority of we Christians in America understand the real world like Ruth Graham and Corrie Ten Boom did. I believe this may partly be due to our years of over emphasis on the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine. What began as yesterday's speculation has become today's dogma. I fear this over emphasis has put the Church to sleep geo-politically -- just like it did the Christians in Germany who allowed the rise of Hitler. American Christians are now facing the same danger, and completely unaware. If you say anything, they say what the Germans said -- we won't be here anyway.

This person who emailed me also suggested I may place too much importance on Europe. I should place more importance on Israel. This may sometimes be true. It's hard to watch two places at once and I'm glad when I'm reminded of such things.

But, the Bible tells us we have two great signs -- not just one. We have the woman -- Israel -- and we have the next head of the great, seven-headed dragon -- the revived 10-horned Roman Empire (Revelation chapter12). Both of which I believe are on the scene right now and need to be watched.

I went on to remind this person that both Jesus and Paul warned us not to allow ourselves to be deceived about the end-times. I believe that may explain why the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. It will be because the Church is asleep to what's going on around her. Why?  Because she's been deceived by something -- perhaps the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine.

I'm not against the pre-tribulation doctrine. Like the writers of those letters I posted on my site, I'm just against the way it's being taught today. It's being taught as a fact. But, it's a fact that has never been properly established like the other important doctrines we believe in.

The writer of the email was also concerned that I was jumping the gun about what's going on in Europe. The Jewish temple has to be first rebuilt, and that will take 5 to 10 years to build. And, the world government and currency isn't here yet -- that still seems to be some years away. 

As far as the Jewish temple goes, I don't think its safe to assume it will take 5 to10 years to construct. I think it could be done in 3 1/2 years. And, as far as the foretold global government is concerned, I think its much closer than most think. For example, the Roman Empire was called "all the inhabited earth" in Scripture (Luke 2:1).

And, recently I've been made aware of a political movement toward a network form of world governance that was started by former US President Bill Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair (www.progressive-governance.net). If I'm correct in my views as to what's happening, if John Kerry gets elected, this movement will pick up right where it left off when George Bush won the White House. I've come to believe the stage may already have been set where the final prophecies could almost happen overnight -- like a thief in the night.

Friends, there are signs indicating the tribulation period may soon begin. And, I think the time has come for us to more critically examine what we believe. 

Just following the pack may no longer be the wisest place to be.

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.