The UK's Telegraph posted an interesting opinion editorial titled, "The Wolf is Here." The title was taken from the story about the boy who cried wolf so much, when the wolf finally appeared, nobody believed him. The writer said, "the point of that story is that the wolf does eventually turn up." And, he said that is what is happening now as the European Union is about to adopt its new constitution. The writer says the wolf is finally showing up, but because of all the past cries of the alarmists, no one is paying any attention (Read about it here). In December 2003, the Constitution of Rome will be born. The EU will officially become a single political and legal entity. And, like I said before, we students of Bible prophecy have been waiting to see this event occur for years. And, like the boy who cried wolf, with each new step Europe has taken in that direction we have sounded our warnings to an unbelieving world. You see, according to the Bible, this reunification of Europe we're witnessing is the beginning of the kingdom of the foretold Antichrist. Now, what we've been warning about is finally here -- the Roman Empire has returned. And, like the boy who cried wolf, nobody is paying attention to us. But, this time the wolf is here.