Sometimes I'm slow writing my commentary. Even though I know readers may be waiting, before I write, I want to find some spiritual sense to what's happening. But, sometimes that spiritual sense doesn't easily come -- only a natural sense. This is one of those times. You see, the Bible tells us we born again Christians live in two worlds. We live in a physical world where we encounter tangible issues recognizable and addressable by our natural senses and abilities, and we live in a spiritual world where all definitions and procedures are completely different. But, unlike those who are not born again, we Christians can relate to both worlds (1 Cor. 2:15). My natural side screams at me that Israel can't afford to let this Middle East cease-fire stand. The Arab world is celebrating the cease-fire as a victory for Hezbollah Read about it here. And, it doesn't really matter what Israeli Prime Minister Olmert or US President Bush declare Read about it here, the celebration in the Arab street will continue. And, according to the regional rules of the jungle, it's the street that decides what's true in the Middle East. The worst of it is Hezbollah is just a local runt. If the cease-fire stands, Syria and Iran will be seen as the only two super-players left on the field. The way the Arab street sees it, if Israel and America had any teeth, they would have taken down Syria and Iran. But, while America hid behind Israel, Israel was humiliated -- and so too was America. But, my spiritual side reminds me that if Israel and America were humiliated in this crisis, it was for a reason. That's because the Bible tells us humankind's history is moving toward a pre-ordained climax. And, at the center of this global climax we find God's little nation Israel. You see, even if Israel's enemies are perceived by the world as victors in this crisis and already preparing for their next battle Read about it here, the outcome of all future wars against Israel will be the same -- Israel will survive and, ultimately, Israel's enemies will be the ones who are humiliated. In the meantime, the EU's Javier Solana has been running around the region constructing something for the Europeans and Western powers yet unrecognizable. But, no matter what it is, I suspect when completed another rubber stamp may be waiting. You see, despite the back and forth flow of the news regarding the makeup of the UN forces to be deployed in Lebanon, the debate appears to be more over titles than substance. I suspect the so-called UN forces will likely be under Solana's command center in the EU's Council of Ministers -- where his emergency powers also reside. Since we're looking at these events spiritually, we might as well move on to where the Bible tells us these events may be going. The book of Daniel says a leader from among a 10-nation alliance and a revived Roman Empire will appear on the scene with a seven-year agreement to offer Israel and the other nations of the Mediterranean Basin. In the middle of that seven-year period, after a short time of peace is achieved, this European leader will suddenly and unexpectedly terminate his agreement with Israel and begin a war against God's people. Yet, even then, Israel will survive. That's because our wonderful Lord and Savior will return from heaven and establish His long promised kingdom. It'll be the world's turn for humiliation. 08-15-2006