What Herb Thinks
World Law

If you've been following my commentaries, you know I believe the EU has begun competing with America for global leadership. And, I believe it began with the 10-nation's Recommendation 666.

A big part of the EU's strategy to replace the United States as world leader is the International Criminal Court. One reason I believe this way is because, it was the EU, voting as a block within the United Nations, that was primarily responsible for the I.C.C coming into existence.

Another reason I believe this is because I suspect the I.C.C. is actually a part of Javier Solana's foreign policy strategy. In fact, Solana's recent new security doctrine for the EU calls for the creation of a international order.

Now the EUobserver is reporting the EU will be seeking a UN Security Council resolution outlawing the death penalty globally (Read about it here). Why? Are these EU heads really concerned about the innocent being put to death in error as they say? Perhaps some are. There are many in America who feel this way. However, I suspect something more may be going on here.

Here's what I think: The death penalty is a good cause to rally support for the establishment of world law. And, world law needs a world court. And a world court is needed to establish Solana's international order.

Yes, world law is coming.

And it's coming to a planet near you.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.