Following the horrifying events of September 11, United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld revealed to the world the way he thinks. And, in my opinion, he revealed having both a deep intellect and an equally deep concern for his country. Rumsfeld stated: As we know, there are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But, there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't know. If one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that appear to be the difficult ones. While you chew on what Rusmfeld just said, keep in mind the context was the aftermath of the events of September 11. Although some may ridicule these remarks, I find them quite insightful. They tell us something about the man who sits next to the President. Rumsfeld is a logical thinker who has a heart for his country and the free world. When I think about Rumsfeld's words, I'm reminded of something the angel told the Apostle John. The angel said: Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six (Revelation 13:18 New American Standard Bible). As I write in my book, the Greek word for "calculate" conveys the idea of using logic. I say this because, according to Strong's Concordance, the word comes from calculating numbers by the use of pebbles. So, since the wise person with understanding in mind in this passage is dealing with the subject of Bible prophecy, it's possible to conclude the idea may be, if we line up our pebbles right -- meaning the prophecies -- we will someday be led to the man who is to be identified with that number 666. You see, I think what Rumsfeld is doing in the above statement is lining up all his pebbles to solve the meaning of the events of September 11. And, he knows there are some pebbles missing. But, what concerns him the most, are the ones that are missing that he doesn't know are missing. This brings us to another reason Rumsfeld's statement reminds me of what the angel said to John. You see, we who understand Bible prophecy may know the pebbles that are missing our leaders don't know are missing. The Apostle Peter said: So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts (2 Peter 1:19). Today's news informs us five EU nations -- France, Spain, Italy, Portugal and The Netherlands -- are banding together to form a European Gendarmerie. I had to look up that word. My dictionary said Gendarmerie are armed police in France. Should have known it had something to do with France. It seems France may be playing a big role in fulfilling the prophecies. The first thing I noticed about this European Gendarmerie was that all five nations are members of NATO. And, more importantly, members of Javier Solana's 10-nation Western European Union military alliance. The next thing I noticed was the UK was not involved. In other words, no freedom loving Brits to help provide oversight. As I thought about this news, I realized what we might be seeing in this European Gendarmerie is exactly what we would expect to be seeing if we were watching the rise of a dictator in Europe. And, as I've been pointing out, Bible prophecy indicates we may be doing just that. Looking at recent world events from prophecy's vantage point, our first indication we're nearing the end of the age was the rebirth of Israel in 1948. Our second and third indictors were the appearance of a 10-nation military alliance in 1995, and the combined offices that were given to Javier Solana in 1999. Our fourth was, when in July of 2000, France and Solana moved the military command structures of the 10-nation alliance into the Council of Ministers, effectively taking control of the EU. Our sixth indicator is discovering this apparent military coupe in 2000 was accomplished by implementing the 10-nation's Assembly Recommendation 666. If you've been following my commentaries, you know the news continues in the direction that what I've recorded in my book is, in fact, the fulfillment of the Bible prophecy about the rise of the beast from the sea. The beast, of course, being the foretold Antichrist and his kingdom. Now, we learn Javier Solana, the man in the middle of all this intrigue, will soon have his own special police force made up of officers from five European countries. Recently, I watched a documentary about the events of September 11 titled, In Plane Site. The idea of the documentary was, there was something going on that day in September that was in plain sight, but nobody was seeing it. And, the documentary was pointing a conspiral finger at Washington. Friends, Bible prophecy is exactly what Peter said -- its a light shinning in a dark place. And, I believe the finger of Bible prophecy may be pointing in another direction. It's pointing to what's going on in Europe as something we should be concerned about. It is my suspicion the prophecies are being fulfilled in plain sight, and nobody is noticing. Now, concerning the idea Washington may have had something to do with the events of September 11. I'm not into conspiracy theories -- only Bible prophecy. But, for all you conspiracy people out there, if there is more to September 11 than we're being told, here's something to consider. Evidently, only one camera caught the first plane hitting the first tower. Question: Have you ever wondered why there just happened to be a French film crew, filming in exactly the right spot, at precisely the right moment, to catch that first plane crashing into the tower? If you're a photographer, you know how oddly lucky that would be. Before that moment, there were no events of September 11. And, no European Gendarmerie. 09-18-04