What Herb thinks

I bet some of you said the same thing I did after reading this report -- WOW! And if you've read my book, Recommendation 666, you probably said that word many more times than just once.

According to this article in Crosswalk.Com, not only do the Geneva Accords call for Israel to expose themselves to defenseless borders and trust foreign troops for her security, the Geneva Accords are apparently part of an EU scheme intended to drive the US out of the Middle East and bring the EU in. In other words, it's beginning to look like the Geneva Accords are actually part of Javier Solana's so-called "Wider Middle East" foreign policy strategy! 

Here's what this report says:

In another twist, the US - based private intelligence firm Stratfor said that Europe's support for the Geneva Initiative -- Switzerland backed and paid for -- is aimed at competing with the US (Read about it here).

Like I said, WOW!

Let's see ... what does the Bible say happens next?

Hang on!


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.