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Some call it writer's block. It's a condition that usually happens when a writer can't think of anything to write. In my case, I think it's the opposite -- I have too much to write. You may have noticed: Although I've been posting links to news reports that I believe may be significant, I haven't posted my usual commentary for several days. So, today we'll go over why I felt some of these recent reports may be important. Yesterday it was reported that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will be going to Israel to, as the report says, "exploit what she perceives as an opportunity to break the deadlock on the stalled peace process". And, Rice is quoted as saying, "there is a potential opening here to make progress on the issue of a two-state solution, Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security" Read about it here. The next report makes it obvious where this "opportunity" may have actually come from -- the amazing success of the recent Euromed summit held in Tampere, Finland. Before the summit, the problem was getting the Euromed's Arab partners on board the peace train. In fact, at last year's Euromed the majority of these Arab partners didn't even bother to show up. Regarding this year's summit, the report says: The European Union and its Israeli and Arab neighbours on November 28 vowed to work together for Middle East peace and to help pave the way for a two-state solution. It also says: But Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja, whose country currently runs the rotating EU presidency, said he had “never experienced such a positive atmosphere” in talks on the Mideast peace process Read about it here. So, what has happened since last year's Euromed to change the Arab partners mind? Friends, what's happened was last January's so-called "cartoon intifada" -- the crisis triggered by cartoons seen as offensive to Islam -- and the world's resulting embrace of the UN's new Alliance of Civilizations (AoC). In July another thing that happened for the Arab Euromed partners was, in the Israeli/Lebanon war, a new enemy emerged -- one more dangerous to their interests than Israel -- Iran. And now, as of January 1, 2007, the EU's "New" European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) kicks in, promising good things to all of them -- if they join the Euromed way of making the peace. Already the Euromed and ENP partners of Jordan, Egypt, the Palestinian Authority and Israel are agreeing to a regional peace summit. Syria, the last ENP hold out, is now under renewed pressure to get on board too Read about it here. In the meantime, Pope Benidict has openly and clearly thrown his hat into the AoC ring and calling for a "renewed humanism". The Pope is quoted saying, "The need emerged to elaborate a new world political and economic order, but at the same time and above all, a spiritual and cultural one _ that is, renewed humanism". The report also says, "The pope said that while politicians, scientists and researchers play important roles in the modern world, "today, more than ever, it is necessary to place at their side the leaders of the great non- Christian religious traditions" as well as Christian leaders Read about it here. Notice the kind of new world order that the Pope is calling for -- a political, economic and spiritual new world order. Bible believing friends, if that doesn't concern you, I don't know what would. You see, the Bible tells us, in the end times, a new global religious leader (not suggesting the Pope) will appear who will have the political power to enforce his religious views by economic means. An economic system will be introduced that, if people don't participate in this leader's form of religion, they will not be able to buy or sell. In the book of Revelation we read: And he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six (Revelation 13:17-18 New American Standard Bible). Notice in the above passage it says, "the number is that of a man". People who know Greek will tell us that, since there is no article in the Greek text, this passage can also be correctly read to say, "the number of man". And, it's my opinion that that's what's being said. And, that's why the Pope's call for a "renewed humanism" may be significant. The biblical number of man is the number six. God created man on the sixth day. Three sixes indicates the highest level of man, as God Himself is revealed as a Trinity. You see, humanism is actually defined as a religion. And, for some who don't believe in the God of the Bible, it can be a belief that man is God. So, the man who ascends into the ultimate position of worldly power is, in the mind of some humanists, God. This brings us to one final report. If you have read my book, you are familiar with something I call "euro-spin". Euro-spin, which I've come to believe may be the official language of the EU leaders, is the ability to say one thing and mean just the opposite. We'll, to my great surprise, it seems that the current president of the EU Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, has actually answered a question without using euro-spin. The question was if the new German EU presidency could revive the EU's stalled constitution. Barroso was reported to have said: "I want to give you an honest answer: the EU constitution in its current form will not come into effect. We should not fool ourselves. It's important now to maintain its values, its principles and its substance. Above all, we have to improve the decision-making mechanism, and we need to do that as quickly as possible. I have confidence the Germany presidency can take important steps in this direction." In other words, it's as I've been reporting: If certain internal structural changes are not accomplished by 2009, the EU is headed for a crisis. So, the EU heads are following a two-track approach. While attempting to revive their failed constitution -- which even now Barrosos admits won't happen, they are implementing as many changes as possible under existing treaties. One of these changes was providing their High Representative, Javier Solana, his promised presence within the Commission. This was made possible by a decision taken at their December European Council. Yes, I may have had a case of writer's block. But, not from nothing to write about. 01-08-07