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I did it again! Regarding my commentary, The Rapture Wars Read about it here , a concerned reader wrote: I would like to point out that in this particular post you used language that seemed a bit condescending toward folks (like me) who maintain a belief in a pre-trib rapture. For example: when you said that you prescribed to a pre-trib rapture as long as you did not look too deeply it seemed to imply that pre-tribbers have not looked deeply enough. I have not written a book Herb, but that does not mean that I haven't deeply studied the Word of God, checking and cross checking scripture against scripture. I currently maintain a pre-trib position, not because I rely upon the scriptural interpretation of popular writers, but because that is what my own personal study of the Word has led me (thus far) to believe. I guess what I am trying to say, is that although I believe that your point in writing this post was to point out that believers should not allow rapture doctrine to divide the Body of Christ, IMHO this particular post of yours did not facilitate a healing of the “rupture.” You know what? What I said in my commentary did sound a little condescending. And, I'm glad this person pointed it out to me. I didn't mean to imply that I thought people who believe in the pre-tribulation view haven't studied Scripture. I know this is not true. In fact, the Bible scholars who I so respect and quote in my book are all firm believers in a pre-tribulation rapture. And, I certainly would never say these great men don't know their Bibles. The only point I was trying to make was, when I studied the Scripture for myself, I was surprised to find -- in my opinion -- that the evidence for the pre-tribulation view was dangerously weak. Far too weak -- again in my opinion -- for the importance some prophecy teachers are placing on it. What if they're wrong? So, again I apologize to all you pre-tribbers. As the writer so correctly stated, what I said didn't help heal the rupture in the Church over the rapture -- it only made is worse. For this I'm truly sorry. I guess I'm only almost purfect. 01-28-04