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And The Beat Goes On February 28, 2002: The Convention on the Future of Europe held its inaugural meeting. The European Council tasked the Convention with creating a constitution for the new, super EU due on the scene in 2004. And a constitution, of course, means the birth of a nation state. In this case, however, it was a rebirth – a rebirth of the old Roman Empire. March 12, 2002: The United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1397. The resolution called for the creation of a Palestinian state. And to everybody’s amazement, it was sponsored by Israel’s closest friend – America. Officially, both Washington and Jerusalem said nothing changed. But words couldn’t hide the obvious – the long-standing united American-Israeli front in the Security Council had finally been broken. July 1, 2002: The International Criminal Court (ICC) – the first world court – became operational. Only 60 nations were needed to ratify the Rome Statute treaty that called for the creation of the ICC. One report I read stated that with 60 nations needed, the treaty was ratified with 66 – 6 more than needed. In other words, the writer went out of their way to report the numbers associated with this historic event in a way that would link it to that infamous number of prophecy – 666. September 12, 2002: Valéry Giscard D’Estaing, president of the Convention on the Future of Europe, said the role of the EU’s foreign policy chief, Javier Solana, should be enhanced. Giscard said Solana’s office should have a seat on the European Council, alongside the EU heads and president of the Commission. In other words, if Giscard’s proposal is accepted, the person who holds Solana’s office would become as powerful in the new EU as a member state. October 7, 2002: The European Parliament and the Council finally came to an agreement on the infamous Solana Decision. As you may recall, in July 2000, the Solana Decision put a stop to public access of Council documents of military nature. Three EU member states took the Solana Decision to court. Now an agreement has been reached. A limited number of individuals will be allowed access, but only to information the Council approves. In other words, this decision is a victory for the Council and Solana. January 1, 2003: Greece, one of the 10 WEU nations, took over the EU six-month rotating presidency. And on July 1, Italy, another WEU nation, took over the EU presidency from Greece. Why is this interesting? For one thing, this order – Greece followed by Italy (Rome) – is the same order of Gentile kingdoms we find foretold in the book of Daniel that will rise to rule over Israel (Daniel 2:31-45, 10:20-21, 9:26). Furthermore, at the end of the Greek presidency the EU had its summit. And this summit was held in the Greek city of Thessaloniki. Ironically, it was also to the Christians in Thessaloniki that Paul sent his two most in-depth letters in the New Testament concerning the coming Antichrist. Could this be a warning? February 14, 2003:
France and Germany surprised the world with an apparent coordinated action
in the UN to block Washington’s and London’s request for a new Security
Council resolution authorizing force in Iraq. Here’s how it happened: On
March 20, 2003: The United States and Great Britain began their invasion of Iraq. The war was begun without UN approval, and against the wishes of most EU leaders – including four of the 10 WEU member states. However, three WEU members states – Britain, Spain and Portugal – split from the pack and held their own mini-summit to show solidarity with the United States. In other words, rejecting the EU’s new foreign policy that began with Recommendation 666, they supported American’s vital interests in the Mediterranean instead. This event, and the one that follows, led me to wonder if these could end up being the three kings destined to be subdued by the coming Antichrist in his rise to power. April 29, 2003: France, Germany, Belgium, and Luxembourg held their own mini defense summit. These were the four WEU member states that opposed the Iraqi war. Their goal was to create a so-called “hard core” group of nations within the EU who would not always support American interests over Europe’s. In other words, these four WEU member states wanted to eliminate the three pro-American states from their group. Although Javier Solana didn’t attend the meeting, he made it clear he supported the idea of a hard core group. June 13, 2003: The draft constitution for the new, super EU was officially presented to the Convention. Besides making the EU a legal personality, the constitution called for a longer-term EU president and a powerful new foreign minister. This foreign minister will have a seat in the Council next to the member states and have the ability to make and sign treaties. Ironically, the day Giscard chose to present his constitution was Friday the 13th. June 19, 2003: Javier Solana presented his 10-page security doctrine to the EU heads at their June summit. On June 25, at the EU/US summit held in Washington, Solana, the EU heads and the Bush administration signed an important agreement to coordinate their efforts in the fight against terror and weapons of mass destruction. It was as if two great beasts settled their differences by agreeing to divide up the prey. And, the deal was made possible by Solana’s new security doctrine. I’ve included my commentary about this event. It’s also posted on my Web site at: www.fulfilledprophecy.com. Solana’s Secure Europe and Better World The most amazing thing is happening. Just last week, the fragile world order lay fractured and nobody knew what to do about it. Now, suddenly, a man may have appeared with a solution. Here was the problem: The Iraqi war was threatening to turn old friends into new enemies. Some EU member states – such as Germany, France and Belgium – strongly and openly opposed America going to war in Iraq. Others – such as Britain, Spain and Portugal – fully supported the war. Then there were all the remaining EU nations, on both sides of the Iraqi issue, who also had strong feelings but stayed out of the fight. To make matters worse, an unusual heat wave awaited the EU heads when they gathered in Greece for their important June summit. At this summit, the EU heads would be tackling the most difficult and controversial issues over what shape their new, super EU would take. This was the setting for the EU’s High Representative, Javier Solana, to present his 10-page document. It was titled, A Secure Europe in a Better World. And, its goal was to give the EU a new foreign policy that would achieve what its name implied. Solana’s plan had three basic parts. First, it called for the EU to contribute more resources to establishing economic and political stability in their neighborhood. Second, it called on the EU to build an international order. And third, it called for the EU to strengthen its civil and military capacity to deal with the threat of weapons of mass destruction and rogue states. There was nothing really surprising about Solana’s plan. What was surprising was the way everybody loved it. France loved it because it would create a multipolar world to counter American dominance. Germany loved it because it would build an international order. Britain, Spain, Portugal and the 10 new EU members loved it because it stressed the importance of maintaining good relations with America and the Atlantic alliance. Even the United States liked this part. Another thing that interests me is the timing. Solana couldn’t have delivered his proposal at a better time. As I mentioned before, the EU heads were discussing the blueprint for their new EU. And part of this blueprint called for a much more powerful EU foreign minister who will have a seat in the Council next to the heads of state. Not only that, this new foreign minister will also have the authority to sign treaties for the EU. In other words, as far as foreign policy goes, whoever holds this new foreign minister post could end up being more powerful than even the new EU president. Like I said, just last week the fragile world order lay fractured and nobody knew what to do about it. Now, suddenly, a man may have appeared with a solution. If I were looking
for a foreign minister, I know who I’d choose.
May 1, 2004: 10 new nations became members of the EU. Now the EU beast had 25 rotating heads to deal with instead of 15. The EU’s so-called “big three” – France, Germany and the UK, formed a directorate in order to better protect their interests in an enlarged union. As a result, the “big three” began controlling the EU’s foreign and security policy. This, in turn, became a real threat to Solana’s Office of High Representative. As I thought about it, I realized, for Solana to exercise the full powers of his Office, these three nations would first have to be subdued. In other words, the EU’s “big three” could be the three kings subdued in Daniel 7:24. June 18, 2004: The EU heads approved the EU’s first Constitution. The signing ceremony was held in Rome, making it the Constitution of Rome. Before entering into force, however, it will first have to be ratified by all 25 member states. June 29, 2004: The EU’s heads held their semi-annual summit and appointed Solana as their first, super Foreign Minister. And, according to the new Constitution, Solana will also become the Vice President of the EU Commission once the Constitution enters into force. This position would place Solana over the EU’s purse strings. November 11, 2004: It is announced that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat is dead. I found this interesting because, only days before, Solana had stated he thought a breakthrough in the Middle East peace process was only weeks away. November 30, 2004: I learn Israel is only a few words away from accepting something called the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). The ENP is part of Solana’s new security policy that calls for spreading peace and security around the EU's neighborhood. It’s a package of deals between the 25 EU nations and 17 non-member nations. Friends, it is literally a covenant with many. It will be funded by the European Neighborhood Policy Instrument (ENPI) that Solana is tasked with drawing up. Astonishingly, it has a seven-year term. That’s because, the EU heads want it to coincide with EU’s next seven-year budget that begins on January 1, 2007. December 7, 2004: Jack Kinsella, editor for Hal Linsdey and writer of the Omega Letter, for the first time began a series addressing all the things I’d been addressing -- the 10-nation WEU, Solana and Recommendation 666. In a following Omega Letter he even named me, my book and my Website. December 9, 2004: It is announced that the Israeli government has approved their ENP Action Plan. That means, Israel is the first nation to begin participating in Solana's ENP covenant with the many. And, on January 1, 2007, Israel's Action Plan will be conformed to fit Solana's new seven-year ENPI. In other words, the stage may now be set for the 70th week of Daniel to begin on January 1, 2007. December 11, 2004: Because of Kinsella’s Omega Letter, the number of hits to my Website suddenly doubled. FulfilledProphecy was already fairly popular and receiving over one million hits per month. That December, I broke a million by the 17th. I soon realized that God was doing something. The word about Solana and Recommendation 666 was breaking. December 16, 2004: Sure enough, that would prove to be the case. Hal Lindsey’s commentary appears at World Net Daily’s Website. I couldn't believe it. It was all about Solana and the 10-nation WEU. On top of that, his commentary was titled, Late Great Planet Earth Revisited. Talk about going full circle. If you recall, it was Lindsey who first sparked my interest in Bible prophecy back in 1970. What follows is an updated version of the overview I posted on December 11, 2004, when the hits to my Website doubled. Yes indeed, God had been at work. What Herb Thinks Overview Friends, I believe the stage may be set for the events of the seventieth week foretold by Daniel the prophet. In the Old Testament book of Daniel we read: And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate (Daniel 9:27 New America Standard Bible). It is commonly believed the passage above foretells the rise of a strong leader from out of a revived Roman Empire who will make a seven-year covenant with Israel, which he will violate 3 1/2 years later. In other passages from Daniel, we learn this leader will rise from among a 10-nation alliance (Daniel 7:7-8). And, in the New Testament book of Revelation, we learn he will somehow be connected to the number 666 (Revelation 13: 18). This appears to be exactly what we're seeing. As I've been reporting, a 10-nation alliance did appear on January 1, 1995. It's a 10-nation military alliance known as the Western European Union (WEU). These nations are members of both NATO and the European Union (EU). What binds these 10 nations together is their mutual defense obligation under the modified Brussels Treaty. They are also known as the Brussels Treaty Powers. In December of 1998, at their Vienna summit, the EU's heads created the new Office of High Representative of Common Foreign and Security Policy for the European Union. The holder of this Office would be empowered by the member states to directed their common foreign policy toward Russia, Ukraine and the Mediterranean. The legal document that created this office was numbered 666. In November 1999, Javier Solana, the former head of NATO, became the first person to hold this powerful new position. He was also made Secretary General of the Council of Europe. This is the main decision making body of the EU. The following month, Solana also became the Secretary General of the 10-nation WEU alliance. These three positions made Solana a very powerful new player on the world scene. On June 5, 2000, the WEU adopted its Assembly Recommendation 666. The following month France, one of the 10 WEU nations, took over the EU's six month rotating presidency. It was immediately announced that the Assembly of the WEU would become the temporary assembly for the EU's new 10-nation military wing. Keep in mind, this is the same body that adopted Recommendation 666. The infamous Solana Decision soon followed. This decision removed from public view all documents that the Council (Solana) thought should be kept secret. This move was interpreted by some to be a military coup. Looking back, it's obvious to me that's what may have occurred -- a 10-nation takeover of the EU. And, it was done implementing Recommendation 666. These were amazing events and I detail them all in my book. And, also in my book, I often state that if these events were what I though they were -- fulfillments of Bible prophecy -- then they would lead to a seven-year agreement with Israel. Well, that may be exactly what we're now seeing. You see, the EU's new constitution, combined with the EU's Neighborhood Policy (ENP) and the seven-year European Neighborhood Policy and Instrument (ENPI), may set the stage perfectly for the events of the seventieth week. Unlike the US who's military is the primary weapon in the war against terror, the EU's primary weapon is economic. Solana's European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) is the EU's way of exercising its influence and is part of Solana's new security doctrine. It is primarily aimed at Russia, Ukraine and the Mediterranean. The ENP is a huge package of different types of deals for each participating nation. It also includes tailored action plans for each country and a monitoring program. And, these many deals and plans have different terms. Here's where the seven-year element comes in. The EU has a seven-year budget term. So, Solana has been tasked with drawing up a new funding instrument for his ENP that will take over when the EU's new term begins on January 1, 2007. This new instrument is called the European Neighborhood Instrument (ENPI). It is basically Solana's new budget when he becomes super Foreign Minister and Commission Vice President. It's goal is to finance Solana's foreign policy objectives. Starting on January 1, 2007, the ENPI will begin funding all the action plans and deals for all these many nations. The long-term plans will be up to seven years. Again, there will be monitoring and reporting mid-term. A total review is to be completed by December 31, 2011. It's a covenant with many. And, it's for seven-years. Besides the extended powers provided Solana -- powers that will rival the new EU Presidency -- the Constitution of Rome sets a Headline Goal of 2010 for all Solana's civilian and military peace-keeping/peace-making capabilities to be deployable. These broad-ranging assets including 9 battle groups, heavy lift aircraft, aircraft carrier, satellite communications and much more. Here's the way I see it: Beginning on January 1, 2007, Solana will have a huge expense account with which he can implement his ENP foreign and security policy for seven years. And, it's not hard to see how Solana's covenant with many could easily fall apart. If so, it's also not hard to see how Solana's emergency powers could be evoked 3 1/2 years later in 2010 when all his civilian and military capabilities are in place. It's also easy to see how Solana could receive emergency authority to act for the remaining 3 1/2 years of the seven-year term. And, this could lead to the final events of this age that are described in both Daniel and Revelation. Friends, the stage may be set for the seventieth week of Daniel. Are you walking with Jesus yet? Stay tuned! www.fulfilledprophecy.com Look among the nations!
between 650 B.C. and 330 B.C.