The Rise of the Beast From the Sea

By Herbert L. Peters
Updated Internet Edition
December 2004

Contents Menu


Part I

1. Joe Prophecy and His Six Misconceptions

2. Eight Keys to Unlock the Prophecies

3. A Quick Look at Revelation

4. Using the Keys to Unlock the Signs

Part II

5. Apocalypse Now?

6. The First Overlooked Sign: 1992 Israeli Election

7. Now Appearing, Those 10 Horns of Bible Prophecy 

8. Introducing Mr. Europe 

9. No Club Like Rome

10. Solana’s Cool Coup

11. The Second Overlooked Sign: Recommendation 666 

12. 9/11 and the Beast From the Earth 

13. The Bottom Line

 Epilogue: And the beat goes on


Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.