I just finished posting my last commentary about how prophecy is sometimes fulfilled by something sudden and unexpected happening (Read it here), when the unexpected happened. A truck bomb suddenly exploded and destroyed the United Nation's headquarters in Iraq and killed the top UN official to Iraq inside (Read about it here). Ironically, it was an email I received about the Babylon mentioned in the book of Revelation that caused me to write my commentary. The sender didn't see the prosperous city of Babylon referred to in prophecy appearing in his lifetime. My answer was to remind him to stay open for the unexpected. And, that's when something unexpected happened. Although I wasn't expecting the bombing of the UN headquarters, the response coming from the international community I was expecting. The entire international gang is loudly condemning the bombing. Even Syria, who holds the Security Council presidency, is condemning it. Never mind that at the same time the United States is accusing Syria of sending terrorists into Iraq for this very purpose -- to undermine the UN's rebuilding effort. I was especially curious to hear how the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana, would respond. I knew as the EU's spokesperson his job was to officially condemn the act. But I was wondering how he'd do it -- what words would he use? The descriptive word Solana chose was " despicable". According to an online report on the Voice of America Website, Solana is "deeply shocked" and called the bombing "a despicable act" (Read about it here). Of course, Solana is right. It was a despicable act. However, I suspect Solana may have dug a little deeper into his vocabulary to find a word suitable to describe this particular act. Why? Because, this act of terror wasn't targeted against the US or Israel, it was targeted against the UN and Solana's effort to establish a new international order. Here's what I think will be the expected response: This bombing of the UN headquarters and killing of a top UN official will only strengthen the resolve of the international community to get behind the US and rebuild Iraq. And, as I've said before, this would turn Iraq into a wealthy international center. Something else interesting to consider: Perhaps, as one email I received yesterday speculated, this bombing could even cause the UN to move its new headquarters out of Baghdad to someplace a little safer -- like Babylon. Now, wouldn't that be sudden and unexpected? 08/20/03