What Herb thinks
Fascinating or Sensationalism?

In the early days reporting about the events in the EU and their connection to Recommendation 666 drew two type of responses. Some students of Bible prophecy found FP's reporting instantly fascinating and others an attempt at sensationalism. Once again, we're seeing the same kind of responses. But, instead of it being over events in the EU, this time it's over the recent events in the UN and their connected to Recommendation 666.

As I often said in the early days, I could be wrong. But, I can't get around the fact that what we're seeing appears to be another fulfillment of prophecy. And, in the same way that I felt I couldn't remain silent back then, I can't be silent now.

When it comes to the unfolding mystery of Bible prophecy, it's easy to go off course. That's why we must continue to hold on to that which we already know -- such as the basic outline of Gentile history that God provides in Daniel chapter 2 and the close-ups that follow in Daniel and Revelation. You see, prophecy of Scripture is built one stone upon another until we finally arrive at the last Stone -- the One (Jesus) that's not cut from hands (Daniel 2:34-35, Revelation 19:11-16). Some of the mystery has already been revealed, some is still waiting to be revealed (Revelation 10:7). So, we have to be very careful and not get ahead of what God's revealing.

Until recently, these were our stones:

  • 1948: Israel reborn
  • 1950: Roman Empire revived
  • 1995: Western European Union becomes 10 nations
  • 1999: First Mr. Europe
  • 2000: Recommendation 666
  • 2007: A covenant with many to be confirmed for seven years
As I mentioned before, after witnessing these events one couldn't remain silent. Right or wrong, the news had to be reported. According to Bible prophecy, we could actually be witnessing the rise of the beast from the sea (Revelation 13:1). And, if so, the second beast -- the one from the earth-- couldn't be far behind (Revelation 13:11).

If you have read my book, you are aware that I have speculated that the second beast could be a restructured UN with a new religious element. And, that's exactly what the UN's new Alliance of Civilizations (AOC) is all about -- creating a religious dimension within the UN. A primary purpose for the AOC is to fight all forms of religious fundamentalism See 1st pdf here. Another AOC report even discusses the importance of symbols and calls for the creation -- in as many cities as possible -- of temples and houses of religions (plural). And, it calls for the AOC to be fully operational in 2010 -- the middle of the coming seven-year period See 2nd pdf here.

And, if all of this is not enough to convince us, the events in the UN are also connected to Recommendation 666. You see, the AOC was introduced to the UN by Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. Zapatero is a member of the same Spanish Socialist Party as is Javier Solana -- the man who negotiated the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace (a covenant with many) and implemented the elements of Recommendation 666 into the EU. 

Included in these elements was --besides providing his new Office emergency powers -- the so-called CIMI concept. CIMIC stands for Civilian Military Cooperation. And, the CIMIC concept is at the very heart of Spain's AOC. The stated goal of the AOC is to combine civilian, government and UN agencies into one powerful new entity in which to fight the global war against terror and united civilizations. In other words, in the AOC the important elements of Recommendation 666 are going global. And, as I've been pointing out, Spain will hold the EU's rotating presidency during the EU's possibly significant June summit in 2010. Friends, if emergency powers were to be triggered at that time, it would be in the middle of the seven-year period.

So, is this news fascinating or just sensationalism?

We soon shall see.

Copyright 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.