I was going to take a day off from writing and focus instead on other matters. Wouldn't you know it? Something happened. If you recall, just the other day I wrote about French President Jacques Chirac's sudden decision to fill the EU's new Foreign Minister post, and cozy up to the United States. For us students of Bible prophecy, the first part was shocking enough. But, the second part is what surprised me the most. So much so, I said I thought something more may be going on. Well, it look's like there was. Here's part of what I said: French President Jacques Chirac has decided to push [Javier] Solana into his new Foreign Minister job, with, or without, the EU's new constitution Read it here I here I here I here I here. When I read each one of these articles --- especially the last article, I get the sense that there may be something much bigger going on here. Sure, the EU needs its Foreign Minister. But, according to the last article, Chirac -- one of the so-called EU "big three" -- may suddenly feel the need for the United States. Perhaps in Iran. If so, this is where Solana shines. If you recall, Solana was the prior head of NATO who lead the successful bombing campaign in the Balkans Read full commentary here. Well, it's not Iran where Chirac thinks he many need Solana's and America's help, it's Syria. According to this report Read about it here, Chirac actually threatened Syria with international intervention. It's reported that Chirac said: Syria must understand that any act that encroaches upon the stability of Lebanon, be it through the shipment of weapons or assassinations, is an act that contradicts with its standing in the international community and will trigger a response from the international community. Why would Chirac warn Syria in such fashion? It turns out that former Lebanon Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, the man who's assassination my be linked to top officials in Syria, was a close friend of Chirac. The close friendship, naturally, lead to close relations with France. From what I've gathered, in Lebanon there was once a fragile balanced between Syria's military presence, and Prime Minister Hariri's own, personal, international reputation. Although Syria's military is gone, now that his friend Hariri is gone too, Chirac may feel that it's his and international responsiblity to maintain the balance. In the meantime, the prophecies keep being fulfilled. Stay tuned! 03-04-06