When we don't see it, it's just happening somewhere else. The 25 EU heads had their informal summit. And, guess what? Nothing formal happened Read about it here. Why should that surprise us? I think the EU beast may have something much more to worry about right now. Take for example this interesting article about how Iran has begun paying for terrorist to attack Israel Read about it here. And, you know how the EU3 have been trying to politely check Iran's nukes at the door? What was the Iranian President's diplomatic response? He said Israel should be wiped off the map. All isn't lost though. It turns out India has sided with the EU3, the US, and the rest of the international community against Iran's nukes. Boom! Bombs suddenly go off in New Delhi Read about it here. Wait a miniute. Remember that other article about Iran paying for bombs in Israel? Before I though we had a confused EU beast. Now I think it's smart. And, a little scared. 10-30-05