Before I begin today's commentary, I want to remind everybody I'm not saying for sure the end-times prophecies are now being fulfilled. Even as I write about these recent amazing news reports, I'm still open to other end-times scenarios. And, you should be too. Nevertheless, it's becoming harder with each passing day for me to stay open. The evidence we're on the right prophetic track just keeps piling up. If you recall, a month ago today I wrote a commentary titled, The Overflowing Forces (Read it here). My commentary was about how almost all the EU heads were united wanting independent military command structures for their new, super EU. Here is part of what I said: Although I can't say for sure, I suspect we may be actually seeing another major fulfillment of prophecy about the end-times revival of the old Roman Empire. The prophet Daniel wrote: And in his place a despicable person will arise, on whom the honor of kingship has not been conferred, but he will come in a time of tranquility and seize the kingdom by intrigue. And the overflowing forces will be flooded away before him and shattered, and also the prince of the covenant (Daniel 11:21-22 New American Standard Bible). Then I asked a question. I asked: Are these overflowing forces that will be flooded away American controlled NATO forces and assets? Since I asked that question, both US President George W. Bush and Secretary of State Collin Powell have crossed the Atlantic in what I believe is a desperate attempt to save American's interests in NATO. Although the pictures coming from their visits are of smiling faces and shaking hands, I think hardball negotiations are occurring. And, I fear things aren't going well for America. So, are we now seeing the fulfillment of the prophecies about the overflowing forces -- meaning American controlled NATO -- being flooded away? Well, if we look at the next verse I quoted exactly a month ago today, we find an important clue. I also wrote: What will happen next? The following verse in Daniel may tell us. It says: After an alliance is made with him he will practice deception, and he will go up (up to Jerusalem) and gain power with a small force of people (Daniel 11:23). Now here's our clue to help us answer the first question: If what's occurring in Europe includes an agreement for EU/NATO forces to keep the peace in Israel -- the second verse quoted above, it probably also means American controlled NATO forces are being flooded away -- the first verse quoted above. And, it looks like that may be happening. If you've been following my commentaries, you know I've suspected America is being forced to pay a high price for gaining the international gang's much needed help in Iraq. And, I've speculated that price may include America backing the international gang's interests in the Mediterranean -- specifically Israel. According to yesterday's news reports, it looks like that could be happening. At almost the same time the news broke that the UN Security Council had unanimously passed a Russian sponsored resolution to endorse the Road Map, President Bush was giving a speech in Britain demanding Israel stop building their security wall. In other words, Israel was being placed in the same position Iraq was in before the US led invasion. Now if Israel doesn't comply, Israel will be in violation of international law. Not only that, these events -- the UN resolution and Bush's speech -- occurred as the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana, was overseeing his first joint EU/NATO exercise. And, the scenario for his exercise was for a situation exactly like the one we find in Israel. Now for my point: It's becoming clear the deal may have been made. The international gang is tired of waiting for peace in Israel and is itching to take the matter into it's own hands. America forces are strapped in Iraq and the only NATO forces available for a peace keeping operation in Israel are Solana's. And, that's what this joint EU/NATO exercise is practicing for -- sending EU/NATO forces to enforce a peace agreement and keep the peace. And if this is what's happening in Europe, you know what it means for America. As I write, the overflowing forces are being flooded away and shattered. Pray this is not the case. And, stay open! 11/20/2003