Holly's Thoughts

This Is How It Begins

When I came up with the title for this post and saved it to the computer, I noticed my dad had titled another post by a similar name, "This Is How It Starts." It, too, was about the UN's Alliance of Civilizations. Read it here.

On Saturday, Constance Cumbey asked me on her radio program if I had found connections between Christian churches--specifically the churches I'm researching in the New Apostolic Reformation--and the Alliance of Civilizations. I told her that, right now, I believe the connections are more of a spiritual nature, as we know the antichrist spirit is at work trying to unite an end-time false religious system with the mechanisms for a war against the saints. Yet, I said the closer we get to the end, the more we will see direct connections forming between churches and the AoC.

Well, thanks to someone who posted a link on our discussion board, a connection between the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the AoC has come to my attention. The PCUSA's "Ecumenical & Interfaith Network" Web site lists the interfaith activities they're part of, which, by themselves, should alarm Christians. But one of their efforts is partnering, specifically, with the AoC. Read about it here.

Of course, the PCUSA  is a liberal denomination, so, in some ways, their work with the AoC isn't surprising. But it's still disturbing. 

We may well be in the 70th week of Daniel. Now we see professing Christian denominations start to join forces with the AoC--which my dad showed may well become the mechanism the Antichrist uses to make war against the saints. 

And this is how it begins.

Copyright 2007 Holly Pivec. All rights reserved.