What Herb thought
Oct. 1, 03 to Nov. 30, 03

What Herb thinks 11-30-03
Solana's November gifts
Read about it here

What Herb thinks 11-27-03
It's still Thanksgiving 
in America
 Read about it here 

Bush pushing Israel
Read about it here

Blair's uneasy smile

What Herb thinks 11-25-03
 Read about it here  I  And here  I  And here

What Herb thinks 11-24-03
A deal Israel can't refuse?
 Read about it here    I    And here

What Herb thinks 11-24-03
Read about it here    I    And here
America: Behold, the man

Read about it here
What Herb thinks 11-22-03
Evil days have come

Could this be the mark?

Wesley Clark for Solana World
 Read about it here

Could this trigger
 Read about it here    I    And here

When Bush Comes to Shove 2

What Herb thinks 11-21-03
 Read about it here

What Herb thinks 11-21-03
Irish bump in Solana's road?
 Read about it here

Constance wins 
one for Jesus!!
Constance said: "If you can say you're for 
the U of M, you can say you're for Jesus."
 Read about it here    I    And here

Israel says no to int'l gang
What Herb thinks 11-20-03
Overflowing Forces II

Road Map made int'l law!
 Read about it here
Today Solana's invasion begins
A sleeping giant

What Herb thinks 11-19-03
 Read about it here    I    And here

What Herb thinks 11-18-03
Solana scores again
 Read about it here    I    And here

Is this the deal?!!

The whole picture?
What Herb thinks 11-17-03
 Read about it here   I    And here

What Herb thinks 11-17-03
Solana scores Iraq- Israel!
 Read about it here    I    And here

Solar activity: Like a
blizzard in July - in California
 Read about it here

What Herb thinks 11-15-03
Has Christ been divided?

What Herb thinks 10-14-03
Herb's first book sales report

What Herb thinks 11-13-03
Daniel 11:23 scenario?
 Read about it here    I    And here

What Herb thinks 11-12-03
Solana in control,
not Berlusconi!
 Read about it here

Solana World financier fears Bush
 Read about it here
US fears EU superstate!

What Herb thinks 11-10-03
 Read about it here      I    And here

Constance needs help!
What Herb thinks 11-08-03
Constance Cumbey's CD
Request yours at  cumbey@yahoo.com

New Tory leader is Jewish!
 Read about it here

What Herb thinks 11-06-03
The EU Empire
 Read about it here    I    And here

EU/China - Russia - India summit
 Read about it here   I   And here   I   And here

What Herb thinks 11-04-03
Scary Movie 7
Read about it here    I    And here

What Herb thinks 11-01-03
God says, "Bring them out"

What Herb thinks 10-31-03
The three-star beast

What Herb thinks 10-30-03
Israel: A house divided

What Herb thinks 10-29-03
Core's hour of power
 Read about it here    I    And here

What Herb thinks 10-28-03
Solana's imperialist
 Read about it here     I     And here

What Herb thinks 10-25-03
Coming soon: Iron and clay
 Read about it here

What Herb thinks 10-24-03
Some say, "Conspiracy!"
 Read about it here

What Herb thinks 10-23-03
The sound of Solana's silence
 Read about it here

What Herb thinks 10-22-03
Big three upstage Solana 
 Read about it here     I     And here

What Herb thinks 10-21-03
<< EU Route 666 >>
 Read about it here    I    And here

What Herb thinks 10-20-03
The overflowing forces 
 Read about it here   I   And here   I   And here

What Herb thinks 10-17-03
Cat among the pigeons
 Read about it here     I     And here

What Herb thinks 10-16-03
Blair's surprise betrayal
 Read about it here

What Herb thinks 10-15-03
Blair behind Geneva Accord!
 Read about it here     I     And here

It's time to look up
What Herb thinks 10-14-03

Read why here     I     And here

What Herb thinks 10/13/03
Temple Mount for peace?!!
 Read about it here   I   And here   I   And here

What Herb thinks 10/11/03
Super President no ...
Foreign Minister yes!
 Read about it here     I     And here

What Herb thinks 10/10/03

Solana flexes as EU squirms
 Read about it here   I   And here   I   And here

What Herb thinks 10/09/03
"Why isn't anyone else?"

What Herb thinks 10/08/03

End-times technically arranged
 Read about it here

What Herb thinks 10/07/03
"He who restrains" 
 Read about it here     I     And here

What Herb thinks 10/06/03
The rising 10-horned beast
 Read about it here   I   And here   I   And here

Solana front row left (Where's Fischer?)

Read about it here
Rome Constitution talks begin

Read about it here

What Herb thinks 10/03/03
SolanaI Solana I Solana
 Read here   I   And here   I   And here

What Herb thinks 10/02/03
Solana's super Europe
 Read about it here

What Herb thinks 10/01/03
Solana's "wider Middle East"
 Read about it here

Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.